For each logging token read from the shared memory or configuration file on its first invocation, OPEN_LOG builds a hash key using the name of the token and the size of the hash table. 对于每个从共享内存或初次调用使用的配置文件中读取的日志标记,OPENLOG都会使用标记名和散列表的大小来生成一个散列值。
In open addressing, when a data item can't be placed at the index calculated by the hash function, another location in the array is sought. 在开放地址法中,若数据不能直接放在由哈希函数计算出来的数组下标所指的单元时,就要寻找数组的其他位置。
Proposing an open problem-Authentication of Packet Hash Directional Graph; 提出了一个公开问题&分组Hash有向图鉴别问题;